Computers are supposed to make our lives easier so we have more time, right? So what happens when your computer is bogged down by spyware and useless programs? Does it take longer for your system to boot than it does to make a cup of coffee? If the answer is yes, then we’ve got a […]
What is a torrent?
For those of you that aren’t knee-deep in tech news, you’ve probably heard the term Torrent before but have no clue what it means. The term probably came up during a discussion or article about pirated software, music, or movies. So what the heck is a Torrent and how is it different from simply downloading […]
Boots on the ground: Limitations of Remote Support
Recently, we received a service request to fix several computer issues for a new customer. Upon arriving, we discovered that the customer was the CEO of the largest online computer support company. Initially, we thought they were just performing some competitive analysis of a new and local provider. But, after some discussion, the customer admitted […]
Stream Movies On Your TV
Netflix has pretty much taken over the home video industry, and their current big push is in the area of streaming movies and TV shows. Netflix’s “Watch Instantly” is currently available for all Netflix subscribers. If you’re a Netflix subscriber, there’s a good chance you’ve already experimented with the on-demand feature, or perhaps you use […]
What The Heck Is Cloud Computing?
There’s a lot of talk about clouds these days and it’s got nothing to do with the weather. No, it’s the fancy buzz term in the computer world — drive around Silicon Valley and you’ll even see it mentioned on billboards. What happened to the good old days of simple car and beer advertisements on […]
Poor AT&T, “I can’t take this abuse anymore!”
re you angry with AT&T? Frustrated with unbelievably poor service and incompetent customer support. Or are you thrilled with the company and it’s just that you’ve been storing up all that negative energy form the week and need some poor, hapless soul to vent it on? Well, either way, you’re apparently not alone, so much […]
Hard Drive Failure: Are you prepared?
At Nerd Busters, we see a lot of failed computer components, particularly hard drives residing in older computers. While traditional hard drives (those that spin) are pretty amazing devices, with new models holding up to 3TB of data (trust me, that’s a lot) in a single enclosure, it’s not a question of if they will […]
It’s Official: iPad 2 Launched
Yes boys and girls, you can now start preparing to camp out in front of your nearest Apple store. The new iPad 2 has been officially announced today at a high-security event here at San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. Some improvements include a new A5 processor that’s up to nine times faster […]
Who’s using your Internet connection?
As reported in the Herald Tribune, Sarasoto resident Malcolm Ridell learned the hard way about neglecting to use encryption with his wireless router when he was awakened at 6AM one day by armed FBI agents. Unbeknownst to him, his Internet connection was facilitating the download and potential distribution of millions of child pornography files and videos by […]

Rdio now on Sonos
Rdio is like a blend between Rhapsody, Napster, Pandora, and LastFM. If you’re not familiar with all or some of those music services, just imagine having access to almost all available music with your own DJ that plays exactly what you like based on your music tastes. The limitations of Pandora and LastFM are that […]