Who’s using your Internet connection?

As reported in the Herald Tribune, Sarasoto resident Malcolm Ridell learned the hard way about neglecting to use encryption with his wireless router when he was awakened at 6AM one day by armed FBI agents. Unbeknownst to him, his Internet connection was facilitating the download and potential distribution of millions of child pornography files and videos by some nearby smarmy boat captain.

Well, if you’re one of the few people who still have an open Wireless network or freely hand out your network key, it’s time to make sure your network is safe and secure.

Here are seven quick tips on how to improve your wireless network security:

  • Change your routers default admin passwords and usernames
  • Turn on WPA or WEP Encryption
  • Change the Default SSID, but avoid using identifying information
  • Disable SSID Broadcast
  • Enable Firewalls on all computers and router
  • Enable MAC address filtering
  • Assign static IP addresses to devices

Nerd Busters can help configure a safe and reliable wireless network in your home. We can setup and configure new equipement, perform a security analysis of your network and ensure you and your family have a worry-free experience. Call us at 888.678.6373 or visit the Nerd Busters tech support site to learn more.

Read the full article here

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