Access your computer anywhere

Do you store things on your computer that you’d like to access while at work, on the bus, or while out and about? Do your parents in a different state need computer help? If you like the idea of being able to remotely control a computer from your cell phone or any other computer or tablet, then TeamViewer is for you. It’s one of the best choices for remote access.

Install TeamViewer on your computer, download the TeamViewer iPhone, iPad, or Android app, and you will be able to use your computer anywhere you have internet access. It’s not only helpful for personal use but for assisting friends, coworkers, or family.

The host computer has a nine digit ID number and a password. Just enter this ID and password on the computer/tablet/phone you want to use to control the other computer, and you will be instantly connected, giving you full control of the mouse and keyboard. In the mobile versions, tap with two fingers to right click, double tap and hold the second tap to click and drag, and press the keyboard icon to pull up the virtual keyboard.

Though the possibilities are limitless, here are a few common scenarios:

  • Your mom needs help registering for a Facebook account
  • Your coworker can’t open the attachment you sent
  • You are on a Mac with Safari and want to see what your website looks like in Windows with Internet Explorer
  • You’re at work but you want to download a movie to your computer at home
  • You were working at home the night before, and now you’re at work and need to e-mail a file to yourself
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