Managed Services

Managed IT

Small businesses rarely have their own IT department… But what business doesn’t use at least one computer?  Nerd Busters is one of the bay’s premier managed service providers and can provide a wide variety of IT services to ensure your business infrastructure stays up and running.  We provide all necessary services for the business user; desktop and server support, wired and wireless troubleshooting.  We also provide remote monitoring, patch management and compliance checking for your equipment so we know about issues before you do.

Workstation Monitoring for Mac and Windows

Our workstation monitoring ensures your business machines stay up to date with the latest patches and antivirus definitions.

Server Monitoring

Similar to our workstation service, the Server monitoring app generates alerts to our 24/7/365 Network Operations Center when critical network services go down, backups fail or if the server goes offline. We can also monitor VMWare hosts and virtual machines.

Compliance and Software Auditing

Not sure what you have or what you need? We utilize the latest software to scan your network and identify your equipment.

HIPAA and SOX Compliance: Let us help ensure your organization is HIPAA or SOX compliant via IT Auditing services.

Please email us at for a quote!

On-Site Support PlanFrom $300/mo
24/7/365 Remote SupportFrom $150/mo
On-Site Support$175/hr
Remote Support$175/hr
Call Nerd Busters